Sunday, March 28, 2010

Does he like me too...?

Well I didn't really know what to post about so I'm just posting something random. Ok not totally random, but its just kind of out of no where. Haha. I like Darry, and apparently he loves me? Does anyone know anything about this? Johnny said he did on the chat...but then again its Johnny. Lol. But I would really like to know if Darry likes me :) Oh and you guys seem really awesome! Especially Jelly, Jamie, Kitty, and Dawn! Hehe.


  1. Spanks brenana banana XD. I agree. I am pretty damn awsome :D. I'm stevie boos biffer fer lifer :D. I hope u will become one of my extra special best muchachos! :D....u seem pretty legite. :3.

  2. .Let me tell u myself....I like u too..... I no i'm clueless but I can tell u that much

  3. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH! Darry + Anna. Thats cute. And thank you I have always thought I was awesome and I'm glad someone agrees with me :D

  4. i dont agree!!! haha just playin!!


Come at me bro.