Tiffany looked so beautiful at her wedding, Andrew looked handsome. They are a really cute couple and their wedding was amazing. The after party was fun, me and Andrew [Brumley] danced a lot. He started whispering things in my ear like I was prettier than the bride, and how he this was how he wanted our wedding. "What wedding?" I asked. "Oh, maybe we'll get married someday." he smiled. I stopped dancing with him and walked away, claiming i needed a drink. i saw luke dancing with a bunch of girls so i walked over to him and he asked if i wanted to dance. i smiled and nodded and we started dancing. sometime while we were dancing cristy walked by and told me she was leaving. i nodded and then told luke what she said. he said he was gonna go too and we stopped dancing, so i found andrew. we danced for a little bit but then i realized he was super drunk so i said we should go home. i walked with him to his house to make sure he got there okay. "goodnight andrew." i smiled after walking him to his room. "hey bre?" he called after me. i turned around and he kissed me, "i love you." he whispered. "i love you too." i smiled and pulled away. "go to sleep babe, you're gonna have a hangover tomorrow." i laughed and then left. i went back home, or well..to cristys house. i sat on the couch with my snuggie, slippers, a glass of wine, and goldfish. i turned on straight to dvd and started watching it, laughing at how stupid all time low is. then the doorbell rang, i ignored it at first hoping someone else would answer it. then it started ringing like crazy and sebastian [i stole him from marks house, cuz hes my dog] started barking which woke up cristy and sophie. i got up and angrily walked to the door with my snuggie still on. "hey snuggs." luke smiled. i scoffed and let him in. "what do you want? cristy's gonna be PISSED. and wait, are you drunk?" i asked walking him over to the couch. cristy walked down the stairs and at about that time luke passed out on top of me on the couch. fml.
THAT is why you should never get drunk :P
ReplyDeleteOoooooooh booy.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry if I was too much to take care of at the wedding baby. Love youuu
ReplyDeleteHaha ohhh god...sorry bout that