Thursday, June 3, 2010

New Friends...

The other night, me and Dawn thought it'd be tasty cool to go out. So we did, we went to The Dingo. Yeah, not the safest place ever...but like we really cared. Dawn wanted to go somewhere else because she thought it'd be safer for the thing in my tummy, but I said screw it. I'll be fine. So we left at around 10:00 and walked to The Dingo. Their were a lot of really bad ass greasers there. I even saw a few of Dally's ex's glaring at me. Ha ha. I just kinda blew them off, they couldn't do anything to me without starting a fight, and between me and Dawn...we could kick their asses. They obviously thought they could take us though because before we left Sylvia and a few other whores walked over to us. "So you're dating Dal now huh?" she rolled her eyes. "Yeah, obviously he has higher standards now. I don't blame him, I mean just look at yourselves." I smiled. "You're gonna wish you didn't say that, you pregnant bitch." So, she knew I was pregnant. How nice. She punched me in the stomach, I fell on the ground. Dawn walked up to Sylvia and decked her in the face. She fell flat on her ass, but got back up and took a swing at Dawn. I got back on my feet and started to slug the other whores. Dawn and me were losing though, I was in no shape to fight, and she just couldn't hit so many girls at once. But then this girl came over to us, at first I thought she was another one of Dally's ex's, but I had never seen her before so I knew she wasn't. She started to help us beat the whores. She got them to run away, scared shitless. Me and Dawn were pretty cut up and bloody, so she offered to take us home and help us get bandaged up. So we walked to her house. She said her name was Mackenzie Woods and she moved here with her brother Liam, because their dad's a druggie. We told her our names and our stories, which compared to hers, weren't much. Once we finished our stories, we were at her house. Her brother, Liam, was inside on the couch. He immediately jumped up and started helping us. He told us about himself as he cleaned our cuts. He was...really good looking. They seemed really nice, and they were good people. Even if they were from Brooklyn. I think all of you would like them if you ever met them. Maybe that's what we should do, we should all hang out with them. They need a gang, and we can never have too many people. And even Dawn likes them...and its hard for her to like people. I think we should at least give them a chance, they pretty much saved mine and Dawns lives... (:


  1. you coulda called...i woulda come to your rescue

  2. hey! they lived in brooklyn XD
    oh and i hope you two are ok! :)

  3. Why were u fighting my exs?? I hope yr baby is alright man

  4. I dunno, they were probably jealous so they started a fight.

  5. i agree with soda , i wanna beat some socs buts.....again :) wehn will they ever learn?

  6. i hope ur baby is ok and btw (this is jannill i decided to use my real first name)


Come at me bro.