"Bre, you home?" Jay asked, walking into Cristy's house a few days ago. I had to stay there with Soffie while she was gone :p "Yeah," I answered from inside my old room upstairs. I was watching The Last Song and I didn't want to get up. Jayson walked into my room a few minutes later and laid down beside me on the bed. "What are you watching?" He asked, wrapping an arm around me. "The Last Song, it's so sweet." I smiled, turning to kiss his cheek. "I guess." He shrugged. "It is!" I laughed, turning it off and sitting up. "Why is it so sweet?" He asked, sitting up beside me. "I like how they're so in love..after only knowing each other for a short time. It's just sweet." I smiled, shrugging. "Like us?" Jay asked, I looked at him and nodded. "Like us." I agreed, taking his hand in mine. He whispered something in my ear and I smiled and nodded, kissing him, before running to the phone. I dialed Jamie's number since Cristy was out of town, and told her the good news.
"JAMIE! Guess what!!" I screamed into the reciever. "What?!" She screamed back. "Jay asked me that one question!" I screamed. There was silence before I heard Jamie scream. "OH MY GOD BRE!!!! I BETTER BE FUCKING INVITED. OR ELSE!" She screamed. "I think we're going to do it in Vegas..so no one is invited." I replied sadly. "NO! Have it here! I'll get it all worked out, trust me. You and Jay just have to show up!" She cheered before hanging up. I sighed to myself and turned to face Jayson. He smiled and laughed before giving me a hug and saying he had to leave.
This morning I was rudely awaken by Dawn and Jamie. "BREEEEE! Wake up honey! It's a big day today!" Jamie cheered, walking into my room. "Jamie, go away!" I replied, almost asleep. "NEVER!" Dawn yelled, pulling me off of the bed and onto the floor. "Ow?!" I screamed, opening my eyes and sitting up. "Sorry there Brenana, but today is an important day." Dawn smiled. I cocked an eyebrow and looked at Jamie. "You told her?" I asked , standing up. Jamie nodded proudly and I rolled my eyes. "We convinced everyone to come too, aren't you proud?" Jamie laughed. I was kind of proud, it must have taken forever to talk to everyone and convince them to show up. "Very." I smiled. Jamie grabbed my arm and pulled me downstairs. On the back of the couch there were three dresses, mine, Jamie's, and Dawn's. "Too bad Cristy isn't here." I sighed, picking up my dress. I took it upstairs and tried it on. It was beautiful. "Bre? Do you have it on?" Dawn asked through the door. I opened it and heard Dawn and Jamie gasp. "BRE! You look amazing! I'm so jealous of Jayson!" Jamie laughed, standing beside me in the mirror. "You look lovely my little sea dweller!" Dawn smiled, standing on the other side of me. "I love it guys, thank you so much, it's perfect!" I gushed, hugging them both. Jamie pulled out her phone and said she had to go return a phone call. A few minutes later she came back in and said we had to do my hair and make-up and then leave.
"Who called James?" I asked as we got into the car to go. "Soda. I put him in charge of the guys. He's been through this already, and he's a lot more mature than the other guys." Jamie answered. "Oh, what'd he say?" I asked. "That the guys are ready." Dawn said, turning on the radio. "Oh. Where..." I started but Jamie cut me off. "Bre, quit asking questions. We're here." She smiled, pulling into some church parking lot. I didn't pay much attention. "We have to hurry, the guys are already at the alter. Run!" Dawn said, sounding a bit worried. We ran inside and Jamie and Dawn left me to go to the alter. Mark was waiting by the door.
"Bre, you can wait you know." Mark sighed, holding his elbow out for me. "You know I don't like to wait." I smiled, kissing my brother on the cheek. "I love you Bre, and I'm very happy for you. I'm just going to miss having you around." Mark sighed as the music started playing. "I'll visit all the time, you'll barely even know I'm gone. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." I smiled as Soda and Katie opened the doors to the main part of the church [honest to god, i forgot what it's called XD i know it, i just cant think of it.] Jay was standing at the alter, smiling like an idiot. Mark walked me up to him and then took a seat beside Stella. Then the preacher man said his stuff, and we said our vowes. "You may now kiss the bride." The preacher man smiled. Jay dipped me back and kissed me. There were a lot of aw's from the crowd, and when I opened my eyes and looked out at the entire gang...I knew this was right. I was happy to have all of my friends and family there..minus Cristian, because she's too busy having fun with Cobra Starship :(. I even saw Steven crying on Blair's shoulder. p.s. you all look way better from up on stage, just sayin :p.
After the wedding reception was over I'm pretty sure everyone was drunk. I tried my best to stay sober so I could remember my wedding night, but it wasn't working out for me. Jay carried me back to Cristy's house and we sat in my room for three hours just smiling at each other. "I love you." He finally said, breaking the silence. "I love you too." I smiled, leaning in to kiss him. I'm going to end it here, because I don't know what else to say. :)