Sunday, January 9, 2011

Breanna and Cristy's Best Friend Day

Today, me and my mcmuffin were all like "yo, we need to have a best friend day!" so that's what we did. it basically started out as us calling up her tour friends and talking for like 394078230498358230958309480932829083 hours about nothing. then after that, we decided to go to jamie's house and make fun of her. that was pretty intense.
then we went to carson's house and creeped on her. we sat in her bushes and looked in through the windows. she was watching porn. O.o
then cristy was all like "lets go buy you maternity clothes." and i was all like "no man, i dont wanna wear pregger people pants." but then she forced me to go into the store and try on pants. :( i ended up buying a pair or two...or five.
then we went back to cristays house and chilled on her couch. a magical knock on the door interrupted our silence. i jumped up and answered it. i was greeted by alexander william and jackary bassam :3.
"BREANNA!" alex was all yelling like. then he gave me a hug. it was enjoyable.
"CRISTY!" jack tackled cristay in a sexual embrace.
we chilled with them for a while...watching movies and...stuff ;). and then they had to go so me and cristy were left alone, yet again.
"LETS PLAY A GAME." "no." "YES." "no cristy. i don't like games." "YES YOU DO. I KNOW WHAT YOU LIKE. WHORE!" "meanie." "PLAY A GAME WITH ME." "fine." so theeeeeeeeeeeeeen cristy got out candyland. now, i blow at that game >:(. so i think cristy picked that one on purpose.
she won. like 7 times. i 7 times :(.
then after the game, she wanted me to stay the night. so i did.
we fell asleep. and she had her hand on my pregnant stomach. -.-


love, brenan.


  1. LOOOOOVVVEEEEE ITTTTT :D And.. I think you just used that tour so you can post about Alex and Jack ALL the time -.- You hoe xD

  2. I don't watch porn :( Blair just so happened to be telling me about how she watched porn one time to see if her vagina was similar to other vaginas... And I wanted to know the same about mine :(

  3. CARSON THAT WAS A SECRET! And Bre, she watches porn alot. Like alot, alot. I think she's a porn-a-holic

  4. god blair and car o.O freaks
    and bri -.- just -.- JUST -.- face.

  5. Hahahaha, I know how you guys feel, Jamie is just so easy to make fun of. :P


Come at me bro.