I woke up somewhere around midnight. I was having trouble sleeping. Probably nerves. I looked over at Andrew sleeping peacefully beside me and slid out of bed. I put on a pair of tight jeans, and a shirt that hardly covered anything. I slipped into my vans, and picked up my stilletos. I wasn't going to wake Andrew up with my clicking.
I got in my car and drove to Cristy's house. I knew where she hid the spare key so I kinda just..let myself in. I had changed shoes in the car so it was difficult for me to get up the stairs. I walked into Cris's room, and stood by her bed. She was sound asleep.
"This will be enjoyable." I smiled to myself as I walked back to the door, I got in a running position and then ran to the bed before flinging myself on top of Cristy. She woke up and started screaming and kicking. I got off the bed, I didn't want to get hurt.
"BREANNA LYNN.....FUCKING WHATEVER YOUR LAST NAME IS! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Cristy yelled, rubbing her eyes and looking at me.
"Get dressed hoe, we're going out." I smiled, going down to the kitchen. God, I was starving. I munched on some goldfish before Cristy came downstairs.
"Where are we going?" Cristy asked, more awake now.
"I dunno, I'm really hungry. Wanna hit up The Waffle House?" I smiled. Cristy gave me a mean look before grabbing my keys off the counter and going out to my car.
"Do you really need me to go to The Waffle House with you? I'm pretty sure you can go on your own." Cristy looked at me over the top of the car.
"Yes, what if something bad happens like...like.." I couldn't think of anything bad that would happen at TWH. "Yes, you need to come with me." She sighed and we got up in the car and drove to The Waffle House. I got out and ran inside, followed by Cristy.
"How may I help you?" Some nerd I knew from school asked.
"Hey, I know you...you're um...um...what's your name again?" I asked, grabbing a menu.
"It says 'Harold'." Cristy smiled, pulling on his name-tag, making him bend closer so she could read it.
"Oh yeah, you're in my English class." I nodded, picking out what I wanted.
"You're in Honors English?" Harold asked, raising an eyebrow at me.
"Are you surprised, Harold? I'm actually really smart, and a really good writer, so you can suck my dick." I smiled.
"You seem...like an idiot, that's all. I never would've expected you to be in Honors English." He smirked.
"Well I would've expected you to work at The Waffle House, and have no other plans on a Friday night." I smiled. Lame come-back I know.
"It doesn't look like you have anything to do either." He smiled.
"I was having a good night, and just wanted some pancakes. You are ruining the good vibe, Harold. So just take our order, give it to the chef, then bring us whatever he prepares. And if you start anymore shit with me, I'll get someone to kick your scrawny ass. How does that sound?" I snapped. Then, we ordered >:). that's right, i took care of business.
After we finished at The Waffle House I wanted to go to the pet store, so guess what I did. I went to the pet store. I saw a kitty in there, and he was really cute, so I purchased him :s. I don't think Andrew minds kitties, :D. Then Cristy said it was probably time for her to head back to her homeland and so we said farewell. So I grabbed my kitty and drove home.
Andrew was up and pacing the floor when I walked in.
"Bre! Thank god you're okay, where have you been?" Andrew asked, hugging me.
"I was hungry, so I went to The Waffle House with Cristy, got in an arguement with a nerd, and OH. I bought a cat!" I held up my kitty. He was in his cute little blue kitty carrier. I just wanted to squeeze him he was so cute :s.
"You left in the middle of the night, to go eat some pancakes, hang out with Cristy, fight with a nerd, and buy a cat?" Andrew asked.
"Correction my dear, waffles, and yes." I nodded, holding up my kitty again.
"Might as well name the cat then." Andrew sighed. We walked up to our room and sat on the bed.
"I was thinking Theodore.." I smiled, getting the kitten out of the carrier and sitting him in my lap.
"Whatever you want baby." Andrew laughed, laying down again.
"Theodore it is then." I smiled, cuddling with the kitty.
"Come on, go to sleep." Andrew laughed, pulling me down beside him.
Brenan. <3>
Theodore? -.- You woke me up, made me take you to a waffle house and dragged my ass to a pet shop just so you could name your stupidly adorable cat..theodore? SUCCESS :D
ReplyDeleteI loooove your kitten's name. :D
ReplyDeleteI'd name him Oscar...but that's just me.